Monday, June 20, 2011

Marmorated Madness

by Janet Moore-Coll
If you're like many growers and homeowners this summer your home may have become host to a swarm of brown marmorated stink bugs (BSMB). This invasive brown beetle from Asia is overrunning the U.S. and causing quite a stir. The first documenting sighting of the BSMB was in Allentown, PA in 2001, although experts believe they were here several years before that. They are believed to have arrived via packaging materials. Since their arrival they have spread across the U.S. and reproduce unabated due to a lack of predation. Their strong wings and ability to hang onto cars allows them to travel rapidly.

In temperate zones stink bugs go into hibernation over the winter, emerging between March and June. In these areas generally only one generation comes about at a time. In more stable warm environments like California the number of generations that can occur is yet undocumented. They're pretty indiscriminate feeders and will eat everything from your house plant to your veggie garden. The worst part is, as of yet there is no treatment to protect your leafy greens. They're quite content with whatever you spritz them with. Currently research is underway, but this summer you'll have to deal with them.

So what can you do?

by Armed Forces Pest Mgmt. Board
First one should learn how to identify a BSMB. In the pdf file below you will find an in-depth guide. In general, adult BSMB are greyish-brown, have dark and light banded antennae and dark and light striped dorsal abdomen (beneath the wings) (SEE PHOTO).

For the indoors the best solution is just to never let them in. Maintain barriers and seal off openings. Use a good sealant to plug cracks and crevices. Keep your screens shut and doors sealed tight. Mild success can be achieved by spraying insecticide around openings that are difficult to seal, although never inside the home. The less you can use the better as they are only mildly effective and many insecticides also kill beneficial insects. If you find bugs in your house or outdoors kill them. You might keep a dish of soapy water around. If you see a stink bug, grab it and toss it in. Stink bugs don't attack or bite so there's nothing to be worried about when you handle them aside from the possible "stink," which I personally think is more annoying than foul. The soapy water will kill them. All you need to do is cup your hand under them and knock them in gently with your other hand. They generally won't release their stink with this gentle method.

by B_cool
There are several stink-bug traps on the market for both outdoor and indoor control, not all of which seem to work. In an informal experiment done by WPXI news station of Pittsburgh (VIEW ARTICLE), Robin Taylor tries out some of the trap models on the market: The Dead Inn, The Asian Ladybug Light Trap, The Strube Stink Bug Trap and Catch It Sticky Traps. Of all of these the testers only had luck with the Asian Ladybug Light Trap ($50), but it offers mainly an indoor solution. As far as commercial outdoor traps there wasn't much luck.

In terms of cheaper trap solutions a man by the name of Jody Williams has devised a simple DIY outdoor stinkbug trap made from cardboard and three pieces of wood. You can view his how-to on Youtube.

Floating row cover is a good way to protect veggies from these pests. It won't work for ornamental flowers as it requires covering them up but for vegetables it works fairly well. Kent Phillips demonstrates how to use floating row cover in this video.

Alternative methods such as oils and scents have been suggested. I am not aware of their success rates but if you're desperate they're worth a try. You can read about some alternatives this article.

University of Maryland
Entomological Society of America: Interview with Michelle Meck
Penn State University Entomology

for a great home reference sheet

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