Monday, June 13, 2011

Copyright & Licensing Information

To see my header contributors please visit my About page.

If somehow I have missed crediting you on my blog PLEASE email me to let me know. I will fix it right away.

All of my photos and content are free for you to use, cite and distribute. All I ask is that you give me credit as I do others on my blog. You don't have to tell me about it (unless you want to, I'd be flattered to hear) but don't try to sell/profit from them, claim them as your own or modify them and not share in the same manner. You can credit me as Charlene Steffel without a link or as The Urban Girl Gardens or Steff with a link back to my webpage. The Urban Girl Gardens is preferable, but any of those are fine.

It's a simple policy but if you want more information see the license and and it's links below.

If you would like to use my photos in a way that does not fall under this license (e.g. comercially) you may contact me at

Creative Commons License
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

***Note that all photos in this blog that do not have a credit under them (except the commercial photos in the toolshed) are ©2011 The Urban Girl Gardens

Example credit format:
Photo by The Urban Girl Gardens

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